2014 Tax Rates

2014 TAX RATES  Quick  TaxFacts (US)

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Standard Deductions
Single $6,200
Married filing separately $6,200
Married filing jointly or surviving spouse $12,400
Heads of household $9,100


Standard Mileage Rates
Business us of auto 56¢ per mile
Charitable contributions 14¢ per mile
Medical use 23.5¢  per mile
Moving expense 23.5¢  per mile


Social Security earnings limits for retired workers
Retirement age Earnings limit
Prior to retirement age $15,480
Year of retirement $41,400
At or over retirement age None


Noncorporate net capital gain and qualified dividend rates
15% – Normal rate, but 20% if taxable income is > $406,750 ($457,600 if married filing jointly)0% – If the gain would otherwise be taxed at a rate below 25% if it were ordinary income25% – Gain attributable to straight-line depreciation on Section 1250 property held > 1 year (Unrecaptured 1250 gains). If taxpayer is in a lower bracket, then lower rate applies. Ordinary rate applies to gain attributed to depreciation taken in excess of straight-line depreciation on 1250 property (1250 recapture).28% – Collectibles gain and gain from selling certain small business stock


Corporate income  tax  rate
Taxable income is over But not over The tax is + Of the amount over
$0 $50,000 15%
$50,000 $75,000 $7,500 25% $50,000
$ 75,000 $100,000 $13,750 34% $75,000
$100,000 $335,000 $22,250 39% $100,000
$335,000 $10,000,000 $113,900 34% $335,000
$10,000,000 $15,000,000 $3,400,000 35% $10,000,000
$15,000,000 $18,333,333 $5,150,000 38% $15,000,000
$18,333,333 35% $0


Federal estate and trust tax rate
Taxable income is over But not over The tax is + Of the amount over
            $0 $2,500 15%
$2,500 $5,800 $375 25% $2,500
$ 5,800 $8,900 $1,200 28% $5,800
$8,900 $12,150 $2,068 33% $8,900
$12,150 $3,140.50 39.6% $12,150









Personal exemption (see  phaseout below)$3,950Self-employment taxTax rate for self-employment income is 15.3% on first $117,000 and2.9% thereafter.


Kiddie tax

Investment income in excess of $2,000 is taxed at the higher of the parent’s rate or the child’s rate. Applies to unmarried children younger than 18, to children age 18 whose earned income is not more than half their support, and to children older than 18 but younger than age 24 who are full-time students and whose earned income is not more than half their support


Phaseouts of personal exemptions and itemized deductions
Begins with AGI above:
Single $254,200
Married filing jointly $305,050
Married filing separately $152,525
Head of household $279,650


Estate  and gift tax  rates for decedents dying  in 2014
Taxable amount over Taxable amount not over Tax on amount in first column Rate of tax on excess over amount in
first column
$0 $10,000 $0 18%
$10,000 $20,000 $1,800 20%
$20,000 $40,000 $3,800 22%
$40,000 $60,000 $8,200 24%
$60,000 $80,000 $13,000 26%
$80,000 $100,000 $18,200 28%
$100,000 $150,000 $23,800 30%
$150,000 $250,000 $38,800 32%
$250,000 $500,000 $70,800 34%
$500,000 $750,000 $155,800 37%
$750,000 $1,000,000 $248,300 39%
$1,000,000 $345,800 40%


Applicable exclusion amount for estate, gift, and generation-skipping transfer tax  – 2014: $5,340,000
Gift tax  annual exclusion – 2014: $14,000


Health  savings  accounts
Plan minimum deductible (self/family) $1,250/$2,500
Contribution maximum (self/family) $3,300/$ 6,650
Catch-up contribution (age 55 or older) $1,000
Plan out-of-pocket limit (self/family) $6,350/$12,700



Single  filing
Taxable income is over But not over The tax is + Of the amount over
$0 $9,075 10%
$9,075 $36,900 $907.50 15% $9,075
$36,900 $89,350 $5,081.25 25% $36,900
$89,350 $186,350 $18,193.75 28% $89,350
$186,350 $405,100 $45,353.75 33% $186,350
$405,100 $406,750 $117,541.25 35% $405,100
$406,750 $118,118.75 39.6% $406,750


Married filing joint returns  and surviving spouses
Taxable income is over But not over The tax is + Of the amount over
$0 $18,150 10%
$18,150 $73,800 $1,815 15% $18,150
$73,800 $148,850 $10,162.50 25% $73,800
$148,850 $226,850 $28,925 28% $148,850
$226,850 $405,100 $50,765 33% $226,850
$405,100 $457,600 $109,587.50 35% $405,100
$457,600 $127,962.50 39.6% $457,600


Married filing separately
Taxable income is over But not over The tax is + Of the amount over
$0 $9,075 10%
$9,075 $36,900 $907.50 15% $9,075
$36,900 $74,425 $5,081.25 25% $36,900
$74,425 $113,425 $14,462.50 28% $74,425
$113,425 $202,550 $25,382.50 33% $113,425
$202,550 $228,800 $54,793.75 35% $202,550
$228,800 $63,981.25 39.6% $228,800


Heads of household
Taxable income is over But not over The tax is + Of the amount over
$0 $12,950 10%
$12,950 $49,400 $1,295 15% $12,950
$49,400 $127,550 $6,762.50 25% $49,400
$127,550 $206,000 $26,300 28% $127,550
$206,000 $405,100 $48,434 33% $206,000
$405,100 $432,200 $113,939 35% $405,100
$432,200 $123,424 39.6% $432,200





Retirement plan  limits
Deferral limits for plans
§401(k) $17,500
§403(b) $17,500
§457 $17,500
SIMPLE $12,000
Catch-up contributions for participants age 50 or older
Other than SIMPLE plans $5,500
SIMPLE plans $2,500
Qualified plans – annual compensation limit $260,000
Defined benefit – maximum annual benefit $210,000
Defined contribution – maximum annual addition $52,000
“Key employee” in top-heavy plan $170,000
“Highly compensated employee” threshold $115,000
SEP compensation threshold for participation $550
Definition of “control employee” for fringe benefit valuation
Reg. §1.61-21(f)(5)(i) $105,000
Reg. §1.61-21(f)(5)(iii) $210,000


Individual  retirement accounts
Traditional IRAs
Contribution limit $5,500
Catch-up contribution (age 50 or older) $1,000
Deductible amount
Phaseout begins at modified adjusted gross income
Active participant in other plan filing joint return or qualifying widow(er) $96,000
Not active participant, but active participant spouse $181,000
All other taxpayers (except married filing separately) $60,000
Roth IRAs
Contribution limit $5,500
Catch-up contribution (age 50 or older) $1,000
Phaseout begins at modified adjusted gross income for joint return or qualifying widow(er) $181,000
All other taxpayers (except married filing separately) $114,000


3.8% Medicare tax  on net investment  income Tax imposed on lesser of: “net investment income” or MAGI > $250,000 (MFJ) or $200,000 (Single)
Medicare tax on high-income earners
Additional 0.9% tax on wages greater than:
Single $200,000
Married filing jointly $250,000
Married filing separately $125,000
Head of household $200,000

